Maternal child program

Taking Care of Baby and MeTM  is a proactive case-management program for all expectant mothers and their newborns. It identifies pregnant women as early in their pregnancies as possible through the review of state enrollment files, claims data, lab reports, hospital census reports, provider notification of pregnancy and delivery notification forms and self-referrals. Once pregnant members are identified, we act quickly to assess obstetrical risk and ensure appropriate levels of care and case manage­ment services to mitigate risk.

Experienced case managers work with members and providers to establish a care plan for our highest risk pregnant members. Case managers collaborate with community agencies to ensure mothers have access to necessary services, including transportation, WIC, breastfeeding support and counseling.

When it comes to our pregnant members, we are committed to keeping both mom and baby healthy.
That’s why we encourage all of our moms-to-be to take part in our Taking Care of Baby and MeTM program — a comprehensive case management and care coordination program offering:

  • Individualized, one-on-one case management support for women at the highest risk
  • Care coordination for moms who may need a little extra support
  • Educational materials and information on community resources
  • Incentives to keep up with prenatal and postpartum checkups and well-child visits after the baby is born

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Provider tools & resources

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We look forward to working with you to provide quality service for our members.